Intervention de Peter Gossage dans The Montreal Gazette au sujet du legs de John A. Macdonald

L’historien Peter Gossage, membre de l’équipe, a été interviewé dans The Montreal Gazette, au sujet du legs de John A. Macdonald le 2 septembre 2020. Peter Gossage est professeur titulaire au Département d’histoire de l’Université Concordia et spécialiste de l’histoire sociale du Québec aux 19e et 20e siècles. 

“Macdonald’s vision for Canada was always white, always British, always expansive, and never particularly inclusive,” Gossage said. ” ‘Dominion’ is an interesting word to have chosen for the Canadian project in the 19th century, since it reflects so clearly what Macdonald and others of his social class, gender and ethnicity believed was their birthright: the right to exercise dominion over everyone and everything in their path, including women, Indigenous people, ethnic or religious minorities and the natural environment. So the urgent calls in 2020 to destroy, remove, replace or better contextualize these public expressions of that once hegemonic vision of white, male, Protestant, middle-class dominion should come as no surprise.“This is not Sir John A. Macdonald’s Canada anymore. And we should all be thankful for that.”

– propos recueillis par Michelle Lalonde.

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