L’équipe du CHRS est heureuse de vous convier à un séminaire sur les perspectives de la régulation sociale et de la gouvernementalité, jeudi le 12 mars prochain, de 14h00 à 17h00 (Labo CHRS, A-6270, UQAM).
Il y aura d’abord une présentation du CHRS et de son historique de recherche, puis une présentation / discussion suivra à partir de deux textes : le premier chapitre de La liberté du pauvre (2004) de Jean-Marie Fecteau puis l’introduction de Governmentality. Power and Rule in Modern Society (2010) de Mitchell Dean.
«I have long been reminded of the graphic work of M. C. Escher in which, for example [illustration], a row of birds gradually becomes a row of fish through successive planes of metamorphosis. This, then, was the one thing I sought to attain in this and my other books : the production of concepts as a way of life. To do this, I was concerned with the modification and metamorphosis of concepts, based on very careful processes of distinction between different rationalities and different regimes. It seems to me that it is the production of these concepts, some big and some small, some with larger impact, some with only a little, each swimming or flying in their own direction, or maybe just crawling off to the side, that is of lasting value in the present volume.» (DEAN, p. 13).