Donald Fyson publie un compte rendu de l’ouvrage Canada’s Odyssey: A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests

Donald Fyson, membre régulier de CHRS, publie un compte rendu de l’ouvrage Canada’s Odyssey: A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests de l’auteur Peter H. Russell, sur le blogue collectif Borealia | A Group Blog on Early Canadian History.

Extrait : « Overall, it would be hard to criticize the basic intent of this book: as a “corrective” (p.4) which more fully integrates the history of Indigenous and francophone Canadians into the constitutional history of Canada, notably by better addressing the pre-Confederation period. However, the way in which this is accomplished represents in many ways a return to a very old, anglo-centric view of pre-Confederation Canadian constitutional and political history. »